The Minimal House STORIES - Great places must be explored in a style
NOTHING COMPARES TO THE SIMPLE PLEASURE OF A BIKE RIDING (JOHN F. KENNEDY). When you ride a bike, you open the world from the 3-dimension. You are not only a pedestrian or driver; you are also someone who looks at current events from the different perspective. He has a theory about what makes the pleasure of cycling so great. In evolutionary terms, humans have an innate desire to explore, to boldly go. I think there’s a psychological reward that comes from sating this desire. What’s more, when you’re running, you’re far more limited for distance and speed. On a bike, you can cheat time. There’s also an affectionate bond between man and machine. That’s what we did at Bombarral with Bombike. Bombike embracing a challenge posed by local lodgements from Bombarral launches the bicycle rental service, offering City Bicycles with a vintage design reminiscent of the old pastry shops. Just give Bombike a call (930477572) and explored Bombarral in a great style.