The Minimal House STORIES - The Minimal House MUSIC PLAYLIST
When was the last time you stopped to listen? We are all born good listeners.
Listening is a virtue that easily goes unnoticed. We listen to music while we exercise, while having fun, but also while having dinner or socializing with friends. Our bodies remain alert with every sound. It is a challenge to eliminate external sounds and pay attention to what really matters, the music. More than listening and focusing on it. In doing so, we develop a sense of place and belonging. This is true both in music and in life. Listening is the most valuable skill for connecting with friends, family, customers. With society in general. If at any point along the road, we forgot to really listen. It's all right. We can relearn how to listen and return to this place of admiration and connection with the world around us.
In the next stay with us, we suggest adding our playlist on spotify to the tranquility of our home:
The Minimal House MUSIC