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The Minimal House STORIES - New Instagram page @visitbombarral
We keep the social distance, but we remain together. Life is never done alone and these were times of union and sharing of efforts. Together with other Local Accommodations in Bombarral, we rehearse to increase the communicational scale around our projects hopping to attracting more public to Bombarral at this hard moment after. The creation of hastags shared between accommodations, local potential (products, attractions, restaurants, etc.), without naturally discouraging local administration, was the first step. (#visitbombarral; #avisitarnobombarral, #explorarrnobombarral, #oquefazernobombarral e #ALbombarral) But the best comes next with the creation of a Visit Bombarral instagram page. Visit our new page @visitbombarral and visit us!
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